$64 Slimvideo Wordpress Slimvideo is high-resolution (retina) ready and it includes Touch Layout Builder. Visit Demo Hosting
$49 Share PSD, Wordpress Share has been designed for those that want to share amazing stories and create lasting memories. Visit Demo Hosting
$39 Scripted Wordpress Scripted Pro is an attractive theme with build in customizer which will help setting up the site in a easy and time saving way Visit Demo Hosting
€59 Equinox Wordpress Equinox features a stunning left/right post layout, but also comes packed with multiple sliders, widgets and features for the ultimate WordPress experience. Visit Demo Hosting
$99 Passenger Wordpress Passenger is a theme designed for travel journals, and scrapbooking sites. Visit Demo Hosting
$59 Goa Wordpress An absolutely minimal and elegant WordPress theme for writers and bloggers. Visit Demo Hosting
$12/m Bedford Squarespace One of our most popular templates, Bedford offers a wide range of features specifically for non-profits and small businesses. Visit Demo Hosting
$49.00 Kido Wordpress WordPress Minimal Theme featuring the Inline comment system, brilliant front-end post form & editor, Retina ready & various post formats supported. Visit Demo Hosting